Ditloids25 randomly selected Ditloids questions for quizmasters. New random selection made weekly. Next update: Monday 3rd February 2025 (Please note: Questions are taken from our database of previous quizzes. Some questions and answers may be outdated.) |
1. | Replace these initials with words to reveal a song title: T N H a 1000 E |
The Night Has a 1000 Eyes | |
2. | Replace these initials with words to make a true statement: 64 S P in the K S |
64 Sexual Positions in the Kama Sutra | |
3. | Replace these initials with words to reveal a well known phrase: 15 M on a D M C |
15 Men on a Dead Man's Chest
| |
4. | Replace these initials with words to make a true statement: 27 B in the N T |
27 Books in the New Testament | |
5. | Replace these initials with words to make a true statement: 13 C in a S |
13 Cards in a Suit | |
6. | Replace these initials with words to make a true statement: 7 H of E T |
7 Husbands of Elizabeth Taylor | |
7. | Replace these initials with words to make a true statement: 21 S on a D |
21 Spots on a Die | |
8. | Replace these initials with words to make a true statement: 6 P on a S T |
6 Pockets on a Snooker Table | |
9. | Replace these initials with words to make a true statement: 12 D of C |
12 Days of Christmas / Disciples of Christ | |
10. | Replace these initials with words to make a true statement: 4 P on M R |
4 Presidents on Mount Rushmore | |
11. | Replace these initials with words to make a true statement: 20 B or 15 L in a N |
20 Bottles or 15 Litres in a Nebuchadnezzar | |
12. | Replace these initials with words to make a true statement: 2 W on a B |
2 Wheels on a Bicycle / 2 Wings on a Bird/Bat | |
13. | Replace these initials with words to make a true statement: 6 S on the F of A. |
6 Stars on the Flag of Australia | |
14. | Replace these initials with words to make a true statement: 1,852 M in a N M |
1,852 Metres in a Nautical Mile | |
15. | Replace these initials with words to make a true statement: 1000 is T T T T T |
1,000 is Ten Times Ten Times Ten | |
16. | Replace these initials with words to make a true statement: 64 S on a C B |
64 Squares on a Chess/Checkers Board | |
17. | Replace these initials with words to make a true statement: 1000 is T T T T T |
1000 is Ten Times Ten Times Ten | |
18. | Replace these initials with words to make a true statement: T R N is 6650 K L |
The River Nile is 6650 Kilometres Long | |
19. | Replace these initials with words to make a true statement: S T 8 M and 20 S to R the E |
Sunlight Takes 8 Minutes and 20 Seconds to Reach the Earth | |
20. | Replace these initials with words to make a true statement: 4 C and 1 D in the F F |
4 Children and 1 Dog in the Famous Five | |
21. | Replace these initials with words to make a true statement: 13 S on the A F |
13 Stripes on the American Flag | |
22. | Replace these initials with words to make a true statement: 116 Y in the H Y W |
116 Years in the Hundred Years' War | |
23. | Replace these initials with words to make a true statement: 11 A A for B-H |
11 Academy Awards for Ben-Hur | |
24. | Replace these initials with words to make a true statement: 29 D in F in a L Y |
29 Days in February in a Leap Year | |
25. | Replace these initials with words to reveal a well known phrase: 99 B of B on the W |
99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall
| |
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