Food & Drink Originating in eastern Europe, what 'P' describes a cut of meat - normally beef - that has been brined, partially dried, seasoned with herbs and spices, then smoked and steamed?
On This Day The Ford Motor Company was incorporated on this day, 16th June, in what year? [If no correct answer, ½ point to the nearest team(s)]
Science & Nature A fine imaging device, what do the initials SEM stand for?
Name That Tune Name that tune. (½ point each for Artist and Title)
Sport & Leisure In what country is the Buddh International Circuit, host of Formula 1 Grand Prix races between 2011 and 2013?
Geography Luzon is the largest of more than 7,000 islands comprising what country?
Anagram PRESBYTERIANS is an anagram of what well known pop star?
Logos What oil and gas company has this as its logo?
Music Who sold more than two million copies worldwide of her 2009 album She Wolf?
History What country was suspended from the Arab League for 10 years from 1979 after it signed a peace treaty with Israel?
Entertainment What is the name of the café featured in the 1942 classic Casablanca?
General Knowledge On the bank of what river is it widely thought Jesus was baptised?
Dingbats Solve this dingbat to reveal a well known phrase. (4 word answer)
Current Affairs In what European capital city has widespread flooding caused several deaths and the release of zoo animals into its streets this week?
Science & Nature Jersey Giants are the largest breed of what domestic animal?
Name That Tune Name that tune. (½ point each for Artist and Title)
Sport & Leisure Who is the only non-American to have won a Career Grand Slam (all four majors) in golf?
Geography What 'M' is the Ancient Greek name for the area of the Tigris–Euphrates river system, corresponding to modern-day Iraq, Kuwait, and the northeastern section of Syria?
Art & Literature In the Harry Potter novels, what are Amortentia, Felix Felicis, and Veritaserum?
Flags What U.S. state is represented by this flag?
Music Handel was a German-born, British Baroque composer. What was his first name?
History Who became the first sitting member of the U.S. Congress to fly in space when he flew aboard the Space Shuttle Discovery as a Payload Specialist in 1985?
Entertainment What Tom Clancy character has been played on film by Alec Baldwin, Harrison Ford, Ben Affleck, and Chris Pine?
General Knowledge A two-door for two people. Answer with two words. The first part of the sentence is a clue to a five letter word. Add a letter to that word to give the answer to the second clue.
Food & Drink In Japanese cuisine, what name is given to a one pot dish, normally comprising thinly sliced beef slowly cooked or simmered at the table in a mixture of soy sauce, sugar, and mirin, along with vegetables and other ingredients?
In This Year In this year: Leonid Brezhnev became General Secretary of the Soviet Union; Moors murderers Ian Brady and Myra Hindley were convicted and sentenced; and Walt Disney died while producing The Jungle Book, the last animated feature under his personal supervision. What year was it? [If no correct answer, ½ point to the nearest team(s)]
Science & Nature What rotary internal combustion engine is named after the German engineer who invented it in the 1950s?
Name That Tune Name that tune. (½ point each for Artist and Title)
Sport & Leisure In ice hockey, who won the 2015 Stanley Cup finals on Monday?
Geography Straddling the Canada-US border, Lake Superior and Lake Huron are larger, but what is the largest lake entirely within Canada?
Art & Literature In Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, what is Romeo's surname?
Geography What country is this?
Music Who had a hit with the classic protest song For What It's Worth in 1967?
Anagram I'M A TENDER TV LAD is an anagram of what well known TV personality?
Entertainment First aired in 2010 and about to begin its sixth season, what TV detective series stars Angie Harmon and Sasha Alexander in the title roles?
Sudoku Solve this Sudoku puzzle to reveal the 3 digit figure highlighted.
Dingbats Solve this dingbat to reveal a well known phrase. (3 word answer)
Current Affairs What is the name of the European Space Agency lander that woke up on Sunday after six months in hibernation?
Science & Nature Rockhopper, Jackass, Macaroni and Chinstrap are all types of what animal?
Name That Tune Name that tune. (½ point each for Artist and Title)
Sport & Leisure Between 2000 and 2014, other than the Williams sisters, only one person has won the Wimbledon ladies' singles more than once. What is her name?
Geography Medellín is the second-largest city in what South American country?
Art & Literature What wife of one of the Beatles wrote the 1964 book Grapefruit?
Landmarks Built in 1950 for the FIFA World Cup, and the largest in Brazil, what is the name of this stadium in Rio de Janeiro?
Music What iconic 1973 album is this? (½ point each for Artist and Title)
History The worst natural disaster of the 20th century, in what country did floods claim the lives of as many as 4 million people in 1931?
Entertainment What major World War II event is depicted in the 1953 film From Here to Eternity?
General Knowledge A doctor gives you a complete course of four tablets and tells you to take one every eight hours. How long will they last?