Food & Drink What 'M' describes this large sausage from Bologna, Italy?
On This Day Topped off at 1,389 feet on this day, 16th August 2008, in what city is this Trump International Hotel and Tower?
Science & Nature Is a substance with a pH value less than 7 acid or alkali?
Name That Tune Name that tune. (½ point each for Artist and Title)
Sport & Leisure In what event did Thiago Braz da Silva win Brazil's first athletic gold of the Rio 2016 Olympic Games last night?
Geography The Big Easy is a nickname for what American city?
Anagram SUAVE BEFORE SHITTY LOSER is an anagram of what classic 1946 film?
Logos What audio products company has this as its logo?
Music Heavily sampling Boney M.'s 1979 hit Gotta Go Home, who had a worldwide hit in 2010 with a song titled Barbra Streisand?
History Complete the name of this Ancient Wonder of the World: The Lighthouse of ________.
Entertainment Born Edna Rae Gillooly in 1932, who won an Academy Award for Best Actress for her role alongside Kris Kristofferson in the 1974 film Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore?
General Knowledge In poker, what hand is ranked above a straight and below a full house?
Dingbats Solve this dingbat to reveal a well known phrase.
Current Affairs Hua Hin, Phuket and what other two cities were the target of bomb explosions in Thailand last week? (½ point for each)
Science & Nature The longest-living vertebrates on Earth, reaching around 400 years old, what type of shark is this?
Name That Tune Name that tune. (½ point each for Artist and Title)
Sport & Leisure Who beat Michael Johnson's 17-year-old world record in the men's 400m at Rio on Sunday?
Geography In what modern day country is Transylvania?
Art & Literature What 1935 novel by Enid Bagnold was adapted into a 1944 film starring Elizabeth Taylor?
Flags What European country has this as its national flag?
Music Keyboardist David Bryan, drummer Tico Torres, lead guitarist Phil X, and bassist Hugh McDonald are current members of what group, formed in 1983?
History What former British Prime Minister graduated from Oxford University with a degree in Chemistry in 1947?
Entertainment Who said, in 1975, "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work; I want to achieve immortality through not dying"?
Add/Deduct a Letter Hill span. Answer with two words. The first part of the sentence is a clue to a five letter word. Add one letter to that word to give the answer to the second part of the sentence.
Food & Drink What well known condiment is traditionally made from a reduction of cooked white Trebbiano grape juice and originates from Modena, Italy?
In This Year In this year: The Iranian Embassy Siege took place in London; Robert Mugabe became Prime Minister of the newly independent Zimbabwe; and Mount St. Helens erupted in Washington. What year was it? [If no correct answer, ½ point to the nearest team(s)]
Science & Nature In humans, other mammals, and birds, the heart is divided into how many chambers?
Name That Tune Name that tune. (½ point each for Artist and Title)
Sport & Leisure In what event did Joseph Schooling defeat Michael Phelps on Friday, attaining Singapore's first-ever Olympic gold?
Entertainment What is "Minnie" Mouse's full first name?
Art & Literature According to the Biblical story of David and Goliath, how many stones did David have?
Maps What intergovernmental organisation represents these countries?
Music If You Leave Me Now is a popular 1976 ballad by what American rock group?
Anagram PERIODIC ANAL ODOR is an anagram of what well known actor?
Entertainment What American actor was born Roy Harold Scherer, Jr. on 17th November 1925?
Sudoku Solve this Sudoku puzzle to reveal the 3 digit figure highlighted.
Dingbats Solve this dingbat to reveal a 9 letter word.
Current Affairs The fourth successful retrieval of its kind, what is the name of the autonomous Atlantic Ocean drone ship on which a Falcon 9 Full Thrust rocket landed safely on Sunday?
Science & Nature The becquerel (symbol Bq) is the SI derived unit of what?
Name That Tune Name that tune. (½ point each for Artist and Title)
Sport & Leisure On Sunday, who became the first post-World War II male tennis player to win two Olympic gold medals?
Geography What three countries have shorelines along the Dead Sea?
Art & Literature What are the names of Wendy's two brothers in Peter Pan by J. M. Barrie? (½ point for each)
Landmarks Die Streif in Kitzbühel is regarded as the toughest downhill ski course in the world. In what country is it?
Music What 1964 Bob Dylan song was covered in 1965 with different versions by both Cher and the Byrds?
History Complete the name of this Ancient Wonder of the World: The Mausoleum at ____________.
Entertainment Who is the only woman of colour to have won an Academy Award for Best Actress in a Leading Role?
General Knowledge What name is shared by a town in north-eastern France, a card game, and a crystal manufacturer?
The largest egg from a living bird was was laid by an ostrich and found by Gunnar and Kerstin Sahlin in Sweden in May 2008. How many grams did it weigh?