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General Knowledge

50 randomly selected General Knowledge questions for quizmasters.

New random selection made weekly.  Next update: Monday 29th July 2024

(Please note: Questions are taken from our database of previous quizzes. Some questions and answers may be outdated.)

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1.How many letters are there in the modern Russian alphabet?
2.By what name is Barbara Millicent Roberts better known?
3.Darth Tater and Spud Trooper are Star Wars versions of what toy?
4.Which one of these is the odd one out: Honey Rider, Foxxy Cleopatra, Tiffany Case, Solitaire, or Kissy Suzuki?
5.What is the Argentinian (Spanish) name for the Falkland Islands?
6.What 'Q' can be a type of fruit native to central Asia, or the Spanish word for fifteen?
7.How many dice are used in a game of Yahtzee?
8."Famous Potatoes" is the slogan on vehicle license plates issued in what U.S. state?
9.To the nearest kilogram, what is 14 stone in kilograms?
10."Go hang a salami, I'm a lasagna hog". What 'P' describes that sentence?
11.This is an unusual paragraph. I'm curious how quickly you can find out what is so atypical about it? It looks so plain you would think nothing was wrong with it! In fact, nothing is wrong with it! It is unusual though. So, what is uncommon about it?
12.In the popular children's nursery rhyme, what is Wednesday's child full of?
13.In ancient Greek mythology, what 'A' was depicted as the food of the gods, conferring immortality upon any human who consumed it?
14.What venomous mammal appears on the reverse side of an Australian twenty-cent coin?
15.Before being replaced by the Euro, what was the currency of Portugal?
16.What two W's describe the perpendicular components of a woven fabric?

17.What P P is a common term used to describe people who steal delivered packages from outside other people's homes?  (2 word answer)
18.What American holds the Guinness World Record for the most bone fractures in a lifetime?
19.The Super Sport version of what make and model car is currently the fastest street-legal production car in the world?
20.What European cathedral houses a 24-ton bell nicknamed "Fat Peter"?
21.USSR was the English language acronym for the former Soviet Union. What four letters were the Russian (Cyrillic) equivalent?
22.Following the pattern in the number sequence below, what is the missing number?
1  8  27  __  125  216
23.What single word can describe an animal enclosure or a unit of weight?
24.What is the minimum age requirement to open a Facebook account?
25.The name of what garment was coined in 1946 by French engineer and clothing designer Louis Réard, after a location for hydrogen bomb tests?
26.One U.S. oil barrel equals how many U.S. gallons?
27.The 23rd letter of the Greek alphabet, what is the English language description of this letter?
28.What colour represents 0 on a roulette wheel?
29.What nationality was psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud?
30.Introduced in March 2017, how many sides does a British bimetallic £1 coin have?
31.Who is also known as Siddhārtha Gautama?
32.Excluding plural words, name two of the four Modern English dictionary words made up of six consonants and no vowels?

33.Which world renowned company was founded on a farm in 1943 by 17-year-old Ingvar Kamprad?
34.How many Cluedo (Clue) rooms have a secret passage?
35.Den grimme Ælling in Danish; Das häßliche Entlein in German. What is the English name for this fairy tale?
36.What is the name of the French national anthem?
37.Of what country is Avianca the flag-carrying airline?
38.Nurse, Mako, Blue, Zebra, Carpet, School and Bull are all types of what?
39.What 'T' is a modern day term from the Latin word for "three roads"?
40.What 'I' describes the prayer leader in a mosque?
41.What 'C' describes the canopy under which a Jewish couple stand during their wedding ceremony?
42.In astrology, what sign of the zodiac is represented by a crab?
43.Complete this proverb: When your only tool is a hammer, everything looks ____ _ ____  (3 word answer)
44.Which is this, mortar or pestle?
45.In Irish mythology, what 'B' describes an omen of death in the form of a fairy woman who wails when someone is about to die?
46.On what date is Her Majesty, the Queen of Thailand's birthday?
47.Who is the Greek goddess of love, beauty, pleasure, and procreation?
48.What engineering company was founded by Mike Costin and Keith Duckworth in London in 1958?
49.In a standard game of Monopoly, what is the sum of the number of Community Chest squares on the board, plus the number of dice used, plus the amount for passing Go, plus the number of Utility squares, plus the number of Railway squares.
50.If it takes three people to make twelve omelettes in 2 minutes, how many people will it take to make seventy-two omelettes in 6 minutes?

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